Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Week One

Well, I've been back to school for a week and a half now, and the kiddies have been back for three days. I have to say: so far so good! A lot of people may assume that the first week of school is easy-peasy but, truthfully, it's not.

From my perspective, I'm like a broken record the first week. I repeat the same expectations for 24 classes all week. However, after day one, behavior is already in a decline. The first day, the kids are excited! They're back to school! New class! New teacher! By day two, they're seeing where you draw the line. It's like they're testing you. And boy howdy do you have to make that line clear and immovable. 

I always enjoy the feel of my classroom the first week though. Everything is fresh and new, clean and tidy. For example:

 Fabric for the bulletin boards. Never fades and there is years of use!

Like my bulldog? I painted him (apparently it's a him) my first year.

Jobs and such. It gives students a sense of responsibility and ownership.

In the next few weeks, my room will be used and filthy with clay, paper cuttings, bits of crayon, sticky glue spots, and probably dirt. Always dirt. That's alright though. In the end, an art room is supposed to look bedraggled! It means there has been serious creating going on!

<3 Kate

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