Friday, October 25, 2013

My Childhood. It is Complete.

Hello World!

I'm thrilled to say that at twenty seven years of age I have finally gone to Disney-for the first time ever! Initially, I informed my parents that did me a huge disservice by not taking me in my youth, but now having gone as an adult I had the TIME OF MY LIFE (yes, it warrants caps).

Seriously though, going as an adult was fantastic. First, I'll remember the trip. Second, I had the patience to wait in lines. Third, my parents didn't want to maim me because I threw daily tantrums (after careful observation these tantrums typically happened around mid-afternoon) and whined about the heat, lines, wanting things, and so on and so on. I fully advocate hitting up Disney as an adult because, really, you just get to be a kid again; I can't even tell you how hard I geeked out when I got my picture taken with Ariel (she's my idol).

I went with some of my very best friends and we hit every park. We got to go to Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, Food and Wine at Epcot, breakfast with Donald Duck (eeeeee!), and a bazillion more events. And we only whined a little ^_^

Girls vs. Boys

Us at Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party. Naturally, I was Ariel and my husband was Eric. Major kudos to my friend (Belle in this image) who made nearly everyone's costumes. Whew!

All of us with Safari Mickey at Animal Kingdom.

Enthusiasm aside, I will now relay to you my tips for any and all who wish to travel to Disney.

1) Stay at a Disney Resort. They have transportation to each park and you are given the Holy Grail of all items: the Magic Band. With this magical item you can Fast Pass lines ahead of time, and sync up your dining plan, room key, park tickets, and credit card. It's amazing.

Magic Bands Unite!

2) Fast Pass everything and anything! Rides, restaurants, whatever you can Fast Pass-do it. It is such a time saver. You're able to Fast Pass three things ahead of time using the Magic Bands, but you can also go to the ride itself and get a paper Fast Pass for specific times.

3) Be prepared to spend a bit on food. It's a theme park, right? They thrive on tourism. Just be prepared for higher-than-normal prices. Some great places to eat you ask? I highly recommend the Be Our Guest restaurant at Magic Kingdom. Food aside, the atmosphere is fantastic.

4) Wear sneakers. Serious sneakers. 

Needless to say, my friends and I had a blast at Disney. I don't need to continue gushing on and on. So I will leave you with my latest piece of artwork. It was a quick illustration I did before we left and has nothing to do with Disney!


<3 Kate

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Texture Monsters!

First, I want to preface by saying I love Kindergarteners. They are so free with their art! They're never held up with thoughts of how "good" something looks. They just create and it's so wonderful to watch! That being said, my kindergarteners were hilarious to observe while making these texture monsters. There was much growling and roaring while they were being created. Check them out, aren't they fierce?

This project combined a couple different art elements. We studied line, texture, and shape. The students used texture tiles to complete texture rubbings for the monster's bodies. Then they cut rectangles, circles, and semi-circles from squares (and practiced their cutting skills and fine motor skills while they were at it-whoo!). Finally, the students used line for the teeth. 

Scary huh?

<3 Kate

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Groovy Lava Lamps

Whew! It's been awhile! Not to worry though, internet, I haven't left you. I know you were worried about that.

Anyways! Today I'm writing about some lava lamps that my 3rd graders completed. I love doing this project as the first project of the year-it's great review for geometric and organic shapes, as well as complimentary colors. Plus, I put out real lava lamps in my room and my students love looking at them. It incorporates observational drawing to also have real lava lamps displayed!

I also review water coloring with them; how to appropriately use the paints, brushes, and water. All in all, a really engaging lesson for the students to start the year off with!

The first day of the lesson the students review geometric and organic shapes, and discuss the characteristics of both. We then make the observation of what part of the lava lamp would be geometric and what part would be organic. The students then proceed to draw their lava lamps.

The next class would involve complimentary colors. I explain it to the kids as colors that "loooooooove each other." That gets some good responses like "ew!" and "that's gross!" Of course, we also look at a color wheel.

The final class is devoted to painting with watercolors and adding a "glow" with chalk pastels.

This lesson could be easily adapted to 2nd grade, even 1st, but I've always enjoyed starting 3rd grade off with this project.

So, there you have it! Unfortunately, no new artwork from me, personally, but I've got some ideas in the works!

<3 Kate